Click on the course that you are interested in for more information and the booking prompt.

Adultification Masterclass (Webinar) - Listen Up (*>)

Assessing, Managing and Holding Risk

Assessment Skills with Children and Young People displaying Harmful Sexual Behaviour (>)

Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) Recognise and Respond

Child Sexual Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse - Two Half days - Virtual

Considering Neurodivergence when working with Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Children & Young People (>)

Delivering Interventions to Children and Young People displaying Harmful Sexual Behaviour Training (>)

Domestic Abuse and its impact on families

Early Help Assessment and Planning Training (*>)

Gangs, County Lines and Serious Youth Violence- Awareness and Preventative - St Giles SOS+ (*>)

Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Cultural Awareness Training (*>)

Harmful Sexual Behaviour & Developmental Trauma in Children and Young People (>)

Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Children and Young People with a Learning Disability Training (>)

Identifying Inappropriate & Harmful Sexual Behaviour in Children and Young People Workshop (>)

Intra-familial Harmful Sexual Behaviour Training (>)

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) Lite Bite Training (*>)


Neglect - Two Half days - Virtual

Norfolk Signs of Safety and Family Network Foundation - 2 Day Training

Parental Conflict or Domestic Abuse Every Relationship Matters in Norfolk Training (*>)

Professional Curiosity & Challenge - Two Half days - Virtual

Professional Curiosity and Challenge

Protecting Babies (*>)

Questions for Success (>)

Reflective Supervision - 2 Day Training

Restorative Approaches

Restorative Approaches Virtual Training Two Sessions

Safeguarding Children with Disabilities

Skills in working with children and young people displaying Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour Training (>)

Start for Life Working Effectively with Fathers: A Progress Review (>)

Start for Life Father Inclusive Practice (>)

Start for Life Father Inclusive Practice: Good Practice Workshop (>)

Substance Misuse within the Family Training

Supporting Children & Young People's Emotional Wellbeing

Supporting Children & Young People's Emotional Wellbeing - Two Half Days - Virtual

The Voice of the Child

Trauma Informed Practice

Trauma Informed Practice - Two Half Days - Virtual

Vulnerable Adolescents

Vulnerable Adolescents - Two Half days - Virtual

Working with Children, Young People and Families at risk of Serious Youth Violence Conference

Working with Families Effectively

Working with Families Effectively- Two Half Days - Virtual