
Event Restorative Approaches

Restorative Approaches - An Introduction to Being Restorative 

Please note that this training is free to staff from Norfolk County Council Children's Services. The training is being offered at the cost of £77 for staff from statutory agencies. Private, Independent and profit making organisations at the cost of £132 and for staff from voluntary sector organisations that are members oth the NSCB Safer Programme at the cost of £66.

Relationships are at the heart of restorative approaches. It provides a foundation to build and maintain respectful and collaborative relationships and helps us to create a culture of high challenge and high support to work "with" people, rather than doing things to or for them.

Target staff:

This one day training is suitable for everyone who wants to develop non-confrontational, compassionate communication skills, strengthen their relationship based practice and learn new responses to challenging behaviour and conflict. For example those working with children, young people and/or their parents/carers in any setting, including but not limited to all staff working in schools, foster carers, social care staff, youth workers, volunteers and their managers.

For those attendees wishing to complete Resorative Justice Conference Facilitator training, attendance of this course counts as 8 hrs towards the 24hrs stipulated by the UK's Resorative Justice Council.

 Maximum number of attendees: 16


  • To strengthen relationship based practice
  • To encourage participants to think about their communication, responses to challenging behaviour and conflict and how to rebuild damaged or broken relationships


 Learning outcomes:

By the end of the day participants will be able to:

  • Develop means to work with people, rather than doing things to or for them
  • Articulate the key values, skills, principles and practices underpinning restorative practice
  • Adopt restorative communication into day-to-day practice to build, maintain and repair relationships
  • Understand how to adopt a non-blaming, impact focussed approach and the importance of doing so
  • Explore thoughts and feelings in order to get to underlying needs

This training meets recognised international standards and follows the UK's Restorative Justice Councils (RJC) principles of best practice.





Date Location Start Time    
16/07/2024 The Nest, Holt Road, Horsford, Norwich, NR10 3AQ 0930 Book
24/09/2024 The Kings Centre, Great Yarmouth 0930 Book
10/10/2024 South Green Park , Mattishall 0930 Book
13/11/2024 Norfolk Showground, MacGregor Building, Colman Room, Dereham Road, Norwich, NR5 0TT 0930 Book
25/02/2025 Norfolk Showground, MacGregor Building, Colman Room, Dereham Road, Norwich, NR5 0TT 0930 Book
20/03/2025 The Kings Centre, Great Yarmouth 0930 Book